This blog is managed by Song Hock Chye, author of Improve Your Thinking Skills in Maths (P1-P3 series), which is published and distributed by EPH.

Monday, September 01, 2008

PSLE Aggregate Score Calculation

Your individual PSLE Aggregate Score depends on your cohort’s performance and how easy or tough the paper is.

Using the individual’s score of Eng 82, MT 89, Maths 87, Science 86, two scenarios are created below.

Example 1 - where it is assumed the cohort is weak, and the paper is assumed “tough”. An average score of 55 is used, and the Standard Deviation of 20 is used.

PSLE Aggregate Score is worked out to be 262.

Example 2 - Using the same individual score, but the cohort is now assumed to be stronger, and the paper is assumed to be “simple”. A higher average of 60 is used, and a higher Standard Deviation of 25 is used.

PSLE Aggregate Score is worked out to be 242.

Rationale for adjustment - If the cohort is strong, it can be assumed that pupils will be able to score a higher average. Conversely, if the cohort is weak, the average of the cohort will drop.

If the paper is “simple and easy”, it is assumed that more students will be able to score "A*"s and "A"s. Hence, an “easy” paper will widen the gap between the brighter and average pupils, giving a larger Standard Deviation.

Likewise, if the paper is "tough", it is assumed that fewer students will be able to score "A*"s and "A"s, narrowing the gap between the brighter and average pupils, giving a smaller Standard Division.

Note - For those who are using the PSLE Aggregate score calculator, using a low average and low Standard Deviation would create a "most liberal scenario" where the PSLE Aggregate Score Calculator will show a high result. Using a high average and high Standard Deviation would create a "most conservative scenario", where the PSLE Aggregate Score will show a much more conservative result.

Related posts
How PSLE Aggregate Score is calculated
Get a free copy of your PSLE Aggregate Score Calculator

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The answer for that should be one third if I am not wrong.