This blog is managed by Song Hock Chye, author of Improve Your Thinking Skills in Maths (P1-P3 series), which is published and distributed by EPH.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ai Tong School P6 SA1 2006 Math (Q40)

A tour bus has a capacity of 42 adults or 56 children. There are 18 adults and 19 children on the bus. How many more children can the bus take?


Adults : Children
42 : 56

(reduce to lowest term)

3 : 4

For every 1 group of 3 adults, the bus can seat 1 group of 4 children.

Currently in bus
18 adults + 19 children

Equivalent to
6 groups of 3 adults + 19 children

Equivalent to
6 groups of 4 children + 19 children

Equivalent to
24 children + 19 children = 43 children

No. of children more that the bus can take
56 – 43 = 13

Answer: 13 more children can take the bus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


alternatively, we can convert 18 adults to children:


42 adults -----> 56 children
18 adults -----> (56 * 18)/42
= 24 children

Total number of children on the bus :
24 + 19 = 43 children

56 - 43 = 13 children more